In 1868 in newly minted Arlington, Massachusetts—the vote to change the name of the town from “West Cambridge” to “Arlington” had just occurred—the high school graduated 13 students, 7 people died from consumption, 107 dog licenses were issued, Nathan Robbins was the richest man in town, and the age of the oldest person to be married was 56. And, presumably, at least one town resident attended the Senate impeachment debates for Andrew Johnson in Washington DC. Found in The Arlington Historical Society archives in a nondescript file marked “Miscellaneous,” is a small yellow pasteboard rectangle granting admission to the Senate Gallery for the hearings to impeach the massively unpopular accidental president, Andrew Johnson, who assumed the presidency after Abraham Lincoln’s martyrdom. On May 16, 1868 the vote to impeach Andrew Johnson was defeated in the United States Senate by one vote.
There is more on the tarnished tailor from Tennessee at