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Arlington’s Cultural Heights: 1900-1925 by Doreen Stevens, Aimee Taberner, and Sarah Burks
Beginning in the 1870s, two distinctive residential neighborhoods developed in the western end of Arlington. These new suburban enclaves, Arlington Heights and Crescent Hill, were marketed as commuter-friendly, with the railroad and later streetcars providing frequent access to Boston. This book describes the original goals of the founders of the two developments and features biographies of over 40 men and women, including Cyrus and Vittoria Dallin, who lived and worked there between 1900 and 1925. It is the story of Arlington’s “Cultural Heights,” a creative, middle-class community shaped by an influential assortment of reformers, educators, writers, artists, craftsmen, musicians, actors, playwrights, and architects. 43 pages. $15.00
Then & Now: Arlington by Richard A. Duffy
Incorporated in 1807 as West Cambridge, the rural town of Arlington adopted its name in 1867, just prior to emerging as a streetcar suburb of Boston. Then & Now: Arlington commemorates this town’s bicentennial by offering a visual journey through the many changes that have dramatically transformed the man-made and natural features of this community over time. All royalties from this book will go to the Robbins Library in support of the local history collection. 96 pages. $19.99
Images of Arlington by Richard A. Duffy
The first photographic history of this Massachusetts town, presents a distinctive look at its rich heritage and remarkable transformations. From sleepy nineteenth-century village to renowned center of mills and market gardens, from elegant summer resort to Boston commuter suburb, Arlington comes alive through the over 200 vintage images and the lively, authoritative text. 128 pages. $17.00
Twentieth Century Reflections by Richard A. Duffy
Celebrates the new millennium with a unique reflection of the last one hundred years in this dynamic town. As the century opens, the prizes awarded to local farm products are still making frequent newspaper headlines. But by 1910, Arlington has already reached major crossroads and with astonishing speed, starts down the path towards its ultimate destiny as a residential suburb in the late 1900s. 128 pages. $19.00
Jason Russell and His House in Menotomy by Robert Harrington Nylander
Illustrated with both drawings and photographs, this booklet is a detailed guide to this historic property and its most famous occupant. It contains a concise account of the Russell family, as well as the dramatic story of their house on the opening day of the American Revolution. 14 pages. $3.00
Arlington’s Little Local Railroad by John L. Worden III
This illustrated history traces the 140-year story of the Lexington & West Cambridge Railroad and its successors, including the Boston & Maine. The many pictures and maps enliven this early chapter of Arlington’s transportation and social history. An addendum gives tips to railroad modeling enthusiasts. 26 pages. FREE – just pay shipping or add to any order
The Tinkham Brothers’ Tide-Mill by J. T. Trowbridge, Edited and commentary by Richard A. Duffy
This expanded edition of The Tinkham Brothers’ Tide-Mill includes the real-life story that inspired the nineteenth-century author, John Townsend Trowbridge, to write this popular juvenile novel. Through extensive original research, Richard A. Duffy describes the life and times of B.F. Woods, a nineteenth-century tide mill owner in Arlington, Massachusetts. Woods endured years of conflicts to sustain his little factory on the Mystic River-a tale as colorful as that of the Tinkham Brothers, but with a sadly different outcome. 144 pages. FREE – just pay shipping or add to any order
West Cambridge 1775 by Samuel Abbot Smith
Asked to address the Ladies’ Soldiers’ Aid Society, a group engaged in helping the Civil War effort, the Reverend Samuel Abbott Smith interviewed patriot descendants in 1864 to craft this history of Menotomy/West Cambridge’s dramatic role in the opening days of the American Revolution. This book is a facsimile of the 1864 edition 55 pages. Hardcover: FREE – just pay shipping or add to any order
Stories of Early 20th Century Life Edited by Oakes Plimpton
A compilation of oral histories, undertaken in 1973 and 1974, to commemorate the Bicentennial, this volume contains parts of twenty interviews. The book is organized in sections presenting the daily life of early twentieth-century Arlingtonians. Numerous vintage photographs highlight each chapter. 176 pages. $10.00
Arlington’s First Parish by Charles Grady
As did most communities in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Arlington centered its social, political, and administrative life around its common meeting place, the parish church. This history of Arlington’s First Parish, written by one of the congregations own ministers, covers 260 years of social and religious history and change in this Boston suburb. 288 pages. $25.00 *Out of Stock*
Ice, Crops, and Commuters: South and East Arlington’s Historical and Architectural Heritage
These three volumes: “Ice, Crops, and Commuters,” “Mill Brook Valley,” and “Northwest Arlington” published by the Arlington Historical Commission, inventory Arlington’s historic and architecturally significant sites and structures. The intent of all three surveys is to foster intelligent and mindful conservation of these irreplaceable resources. The area covered is in south and east Arlington. $8.00
Mill Brook Valley: A Historical and Architectural Survey
“Mill Brook Valley” is one of three volumes, published by the Arlington Historical Commission, which inventory Arlington’s historic and architecturally significant sites and structures. The intent of all three surveys is to foster intelligent and mindful conservation of these irreplaceable resources. “Mill Brook Valley” covers historically significant properties on either side of the Massachusetts Avenue corridor. $8.00
Northwest Arlington, Massachusetts. An Architectural and Historical Study
“Northwest Arlington, Massachusetts” is one of three volumes, published by the Arlington Historical Commission, which inventory Arlington’s historic and architecturally significant sites and structures. The intent of all three surveys is to foster intelligent and mindful conservation of these irreplaceable resources. “Northwest Arlington, Massachusetts” covers historically significant properties in the Turkey Hill/Mystic Lakes and Arlington Heights area. $8.00
Farms and Farmers of the Arlington Farmers’ Market 1997-2005 Compiled and written by Oakes Plimpton
A celebration of Arlington’s weekly Farmer’s Market, this attractive volume tells the stories of the markets farms and farmers who bring their produce to sell. There are ample photographs and even recipes. An addendum includes information on Arlington’s Market Garden past. $8.00

A fascinating look at often forgotten lives of slaves in Colonial Menotomy. The author explores the role of slaves in Colonial life, recounts the earliest records of slaves in Menotomy, and provides brief biographies of those found on record. 22 pages. PDF available here.
Post Cards
Jason Russell House Postcards
Jason Russell House in the Spring, Jason Russell House in the Winter, Ruth L. Berry’s Bicentennial painting, “The Fight at the Jason Russell House” Each approx 4″ x 6″. FREE – just pay shipping or add to any order.
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