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A REMEMBRANCE of GERALDINE KAYE It is with great sadness that we report that Gerry Kaye, our former Assistant Treasurer/Membership Secretary and Director, died in a snorkeling accident in Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean on March 9. She and her husband, David, had moved to Portland, OR to be near their daughters. We remember Gerry asresponsible, conscientious, and meticulous, but … Continue reading A REMEMBRANCE of GERALDINE KAYE

Town Meetings in the Northwest Precinct of Cambridge, 1736-1795
One of the earliest and purest forms of Democracy in the United States took place at “town meetings”- a practice established in Massachusetts and distinct to the New England region. Unlike in our present-day use of “town halls”, qualified residents had the opportunity to not only discuss matters particular to their communities, but to actively … Continue reading Town Meetings in the Northwest Precinct of Cambridge, 1736-1795

Park Pharmacy’s 1948 nifty new soda fountain
Interior photographs of Arlington businesses are quite rare, so when this one appeared recently on eBay it was purchased by a donor as a gift to the Society. This inside view of Park Pharmacy is published for the first time here. Park Pharmacy was located in Arlington Heights on the northeast corner of Park Avenue, … Continue reading Park Pharmacy’s 1948 nifty new soda fountain

1964: Views of Arlington Center west of Mystic Street
A recent post to the Arlington List (a local “listserv” subscription mailing list) seeking to know the name of a long-gone sandwich shop where today’s Not Your Average Joe’s restaurant is located drew the correct response by me that it was Dewey’s Luncheonette. This was followed by an informative and entertaining series of posts … Continue reading 1964: Views of Arlington Center west of Mystic Street

Social Media in the Age of Newspapers
In the age of social media it is easy to believe that we get caught up in the social tidbits of the lives of others. Perhaps that is true but it certainly did not begin with the invention of Facebook. Long before the internet personal interest pieces were heavily circulated in local and national newspapers. … Continue reading Social Media in the Age of Newspapers

Highlights of the AHS Quilt Collection – Part 6
Crazy quilts in the Victorian era in America were popular for home furnishings in the United States from the 1870’s through the early 1900’s. The American desire for bright, bold asymmetrical designs in silk and velvet drew from English Victorian styles, and from Japanese styles and goods that were increasingly imported to England and the United States … Continue reading Highlights of the AHS Quilt Collection – Part 6
Highlights of the AHS Quilt Collection – Introduction
Bedding and quilts in particular are an interesting way to imagine the everyday or perhaps rather “everynight” lives of people in our past. We all have blankets, bedding, quilts, comforters and afghans for all seasons for all of our beds. Usually only our closest family and friends come into our bedrooms or use our blankets. Peering … Continue reading Highlights of the AHS Quilt Collection – Introduction

Archaeology at the Jason Russell House
October is Massachusetts Archaeology Month! The Arlington Historical Society is celebrating in this space by revisiting the Jason Russell House’s own experience with archaeological excavations. Visitors often ask if any archaeological digs have taken place at the Jason Russell House. The answer is yes! Nearly thirty years ago, in March 1985, a team of archaeologists … Continue reading Archaeology at the Jason Russell House